Canada Day Celebrations in the Forest

profile picture of Mallory Brooke

Mallory Brooke

Canada Day Celebrations in the Forest

I’m a proud Canadian who is so incredibly grateful to live in this beautiful country!

A few of my random favorite things about Canada are below:
– Diversity, lush wilderness, free health care, poutines, Justin Bieber, Drake, Shawn Mendes…

Maximus loves to cut the grass aka drive the big lawn mower, which is great for me!

First thing in the morning he’s cutting grass on these forest trails. Meanwhile, I’m sipping my coffee…supervising and taking the puppies for a walk!

It’s nice to not hike or bike in long grass.

Puppies are all played out here and ready for a nap!

The boys and I had a few nerf gun battles and played games of hide and seek! Building forts and eating lots-of-snacks-kind-of camping afternoon!

Forest zipline is a favorite out here!

I’ve been on it yup!

Cruising in the Polaris General down this beautiful trail full of birch trees… called Seuss Landing.

Prioritize your peace

Mallory Brooke

I make sure to find time to read outdoors any chance I get…I HIGHLY recommend this amazing book!

Sunset cruise with my little boys and my little pups. Simba is sleeping on me and I’m feeling pretty sleepy on Simba here too!

Solar lights provide all the light we need out here at night in the forest.

We set off our own celebratory Canada Day fireworks. I’m not posting a bunch of firework videos because they are quite annoying to watch unless you’re there in real life…in my opinion!

profile picture of Mallory Brooke

Mallory Brooke